This counter was placed near the entrance to the store area. It mostly contains wooden materials with a framed, plastic sign in the middle which dawns the stores name.
These two photos represent two relics from the stores past. The first is of an old newspaper advertisement from the year it opened and the second is a photograph taken of the building during it's inaugural opening. With both pieces being 100 years old, they were given various buffs and scratches to better represent that aging. The promotional piece highlights the companies mascot Jokey The Clown in his initial black and white rubberhose design.
These assets are used during the stores present day operations. The whiteboard, showcased on the left, contains an event notice for the celebration, including the date it will happen and the location that will be hosting it. The second features a sign made specifically for the lounge portion of the building. Both models contain a modernized version of Jokey The Clown.
This flat screen television was designed for display within the lounge area. Made of plastic, glass and metal materials, it contains a wall mount located at the back of the composition. This was added so the model would look more natural when hung from a wall.
This golden trophy was given to the stores very first customer during the year of 1924. Due to its age, it has become dusty and rusted. After the owners passing, it was donated back to the store to be displayed in her memory. This model was one of five assets in the level to be grabbable.
Made to accompany the TV, this receiver is one of only two assets from my VR Room to contain emissive textures, having several L.E.D. screens that give a slight glow. Both it and the TV contain a fake logo of a triangle with a neutral face
This key was used for the front of the building during it's first 5 years of operation. Like the other vintage artifacts, it contains decades of wear and tear with heavy rust peppered from top to bottom. Like the Trophy, it can be grabbed by the player
These light switches were created to be spread throughout both rooms in the building. Due to each room being lit, the switches were made to appear on.
The following photos contain various screenshots of the store from within Unreal Engine 5.

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