The following models are pieces that I created in my free time. They are all created with a combination of Maya and Substance 3D Painter
A cube shaped robot character loosely based on a cardboard creation made during one of my early semesters.
A baseball cap in the shape of a ducks head. Aligning with the company's name, the duck contains a skeptical expression, 
A Cartoonish style ray gun with purple rubber and red steel. The rubber contains bright pink particles scattered throughout the composition
A hammer with a steel head and wooden handle. The head has become scratched and worn due to age.
A golf flag made with blue and green textures with a glossy finish and various light scratches
A pencil sword, with graphite acting as the blade and the eraser molded into the shape of a handle. The model contains several chew marks akin to what could be found on a standard pencil.
A hoverboard with two floating metal panels acting as it's wheels. It contains two vents, two narrow hexagonal spaces for feet placement, and the companies brand name and logo.
A large sign created to advertise a mall known as "Bug-Eyed Billy's." The mall is introducing a new pizza restaurant called "Cheesebeard's Pizza," which is shown to be opening soon.

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